Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conundrum (1992)
Season 5, Episode 14
A Senior Trekker writes...................
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Fifth Season of TNG contains some remarkably strong episodes while continuing to push the boundaries of what could be achieved within an episodic television format. It is notable for the tragic loss of its creator, Gene Roddenberry, who died on 24th October 1991 at the age of 70. His influence upon the positive depiction of humanity and diversity in Science Fiction endures to this day. Senior Trekker continues to score all episodes with a 5.

This episode has an interesting mind-wipe concept with the crew suddenly finding themselves struggling to remember who they are and what their relationship to each other is. Because of his big, fancy sash, Work automatically assumes he must be in charge. Meanwhile Data becomes the ship's bartender and Ro takes an unexpected fancy to Riker and moves into his quarters.

Most of the crew move rather too quickly through various stages of the puzzle to regain a knowledge of the ship's functions (the writers could hardly have switched everything off) but the ending, where the alien who has been controlling them is unmasked, is reasonably satisfactory. Well, I certainly didn't see it coming anyway.

Erich Anderson, who plays the disguised interloper Commander Keiran MacDuff, is more usually seen playing doctors and police officers but manages to fit pretty seamlessly into the Bridge Crew, only deepening the mystery. Having breakfasted upon Will Riker, Ensign Ro proceeds to the bar to discuss her experiences with his ex, Counsellor Troi.

Not a particularly memorable episode. No pun intended.
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