Terrible Mess
10 February 2022
This is a terrible non-sensical mess. It tries to be a low budget alternative to The Descent but fails miserably. It seems this girl, maybe her brother and some friends go to a cave to try and prove the existence of a dangerous creature that her Dad believed existed. Knowing they were looking for a dangerous creature, they go completely unprepared. Lot of confusing disjoined, unexplained filler happens, the creature shows up and people die. Suddenly we see another group of people that seem to live in this cave with the creature, but they are all crazy? Don't know. There was a basic concept, but there is no story. The writing is terrible. The filming is terrible - it tries to use cheap methods to give the feeling of fear, like the scene being so dark you can't see anything, or a scene like the camera was being tossed around in a dryer. Hint...those never work, they're almost as irritating as found footage garbage. Whatever the heck the creature is...which is never explained, it is more likeable than any of the other characters. It made no sense, and the ending even less sense...if that is possible.
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