Weird lookin devil man
10 February 2022
This movie definitely had potential but maybe fell a little short, but watchable nonetheless

Story was not crazy original but still good and Intriguing. I would say the best part about this movie is the acting. The guys did a surprisingly good job.

The pacing was a bit off with far too much exposition ( and yet things still felt under explained) and nothing particularly exciting happening till over half way through. The terrible CGI was quite disappointing, I would have rather seen someone in a morph suit than that lol there was also a lot of back and forth, physically and dialogue wise that was on the verge of feeling drawn out and tired, but just on the verge. Probably could have shaved about 20 min off. The ending, while again not crazy original or unexpected, was still good and felt right for what the movie was so I liked it.

All in all it was a decently watchable film but nothing to write home about. Would recommend maybe for a rainy day.
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