A watchable film.
10 February 2022
It's hard not to watch this and compare it with Jeremy Brett's The Last Vampyre, and once again, as with all of Matt Frewer's Sherlock Holmes films, it's a mix of good and bad.

Let's start with the good, the story, I liked it, I'm not a huge fan of vampires in general, but this works rather well. I like the visuals, it looks authentic enough, it's atmospheric, it looks murky, and lacks some of the usual polish you get in such productions.

The acting, is a little patchy it's fair to say, some of the cast are a little hammy, Frewer though I did enjoy, I liked his accent, I liked his quirkiness, he had some presence.

On the debit side, it felt a little clunky at parts, some of the dialogue is a little over the top. I mentioned earlier that you shouldn't compare, the trouble is when you do compare this with Brett's, it's just not in the same league.

It's watchable, 6/10.
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