Enjoyable Watch
13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hear complaints all the time from ppl who do not like watching movies with subtitles only. Like how lazy can you be to not watch a movie just cuz you have to do a little reading. I myself am losing my hearing so the subtitles are a blessing! If you do not like to read, this is not a movie for you. Not sure what age group this was meant for. It was a bit to mature for kids but a bit to childish for adults so I am at a loss. This movie was interesting and the CGI was on point. The story was a little hard to follow. They love each other, then they don't, but they do so... Over all, if you have some time to waist and you like sword fighting, magic and adventure. Then this movie has ALL of it. I also love Mr. Sprouse's work, his acting abilities has no limits and it shows in this movie.
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