Battlefield 2042 (2021 Video Game)
14 February 2022
So we go in to 2042 with a world still being ravaged by war. Welcome to Battlefield 2042.

Firstly, let me address the initial re-action of a lot of us when the game dropped and then the weeks after. Get over it. This game is actually pretty good despite what you might find out in social media.

But there were strength in numbers not including me after I settled down with it, however, but a lot of people seemed to be rather unhappy. People had forgot though, the game could be overhauled at a later date due to edits the developers have in console gaming nowadays. They just took it at face value then spit the dummy.

The glaringly obvious difference about this game is it encourages you to play in a squad. Unlike other Battlefield games, you can just become the lone ranger. But still, if you play, you will see nobody cares and never did about playing in a squad.

This is a flexible game this time round because you can be a sniper, but be a medic too. So you will have what a medic carries in their kit, but also be armed with a sniper rifle.

There are a few maps when you start I don't know whether more will be available as downloadable content (DLC) but I think it is expected there will be many more.

According to DICE, who apparently fired a lot of their staff before launching this project, they think 2042 is going to be a year in which nothing really changes. Well, not in a strikingly significant fashion. Just don't go in to this game expecting flying tanks with laser beams and mech warriors. Nothing has really changed since Battlefield 4.

Given the poor reception, you could get this game at a sale price. Have a look around but at the end of the day it will be the internet which will enable you to save the most money.

Game on.
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