Quantico: The Art of War (2018)
Season 3, Episode 11
Good grief
17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being far from perfect I quite enjoyed seasons 1 and 2, and I've been very patient with season 3 but we're coming to the end here and the writing is fast becoming completely inept.

Look, put it this way, I've read The Art of War and I just work in IT. For a bunch of spies and special agents to be referring to it as 'some old library book' like they've never even heard of it is just... I have no words.

Clearly geography and politics were not on the curriculum for the writers either, as the entire Ireland storyline from these episodes would only make sense to someone whose sum knowledge comes from stumbling half-drunk through a St Patrick's Day parade.

Despite being wanted for treason, which has surely got to make him #1 most wanted, King manages to effectively evade the entire US intelligence and law enforcement communities while waltzing in and out of maximum security prisons cunningly disguised as himself. He then kidnaps Doyle's sister, and he and his three - yes, just three - remaining henchmen also locate and take out the loft.

This is in no small part all made possible by the fact that, after Devlin organised to kill them and their families from behind bars last episode, the team are now resting easy because he's behind bars and therefore can't get to them. Oh and they have agents watching 'all his people'. But not him. Or their relatives.

Our intrepid if not well-read heroes - those of them not getting themselves shot - are in what isn't so much hot as tepid pursuit all the way, finally cornering King even as Devlin gets the extradition to Ireland he wanted. Doyle recues a load of girls from a shipping container but - plot twist! - his sister isn't among them, being held in a different container elsewhere. Parrish, who has been thoroughly chided throughout for wanting revenge on King for her assault and the death of her unborn child, takes the moral high ground by not killing him, but then he grabs her gun and... I dunno? He shoots himself? She shoots him in the struggle? Who can tell. It's all a bit rich anyway considering they were all practically cheering Turner on 5 episodes ago when she murdered the baddie in cold blood.

With Owen down, Doyle's sister still missing, Devlin on his way to Ireland (or Northern Ireland, or Wester Britain, or wherever the heck the writers think Irish people are) and the loft compromised, we head into the penultimate episode. I only hope newly-returned Deep and his many degrees can save them because otherwise, based on the rest of the episode, they haven't got a chance.
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