Avoid this movie at all costs!
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst movie I have ever seen in my life.. and I've seen "Winslow, The Christmas Bear". At least that movie had a main character and clear cut goals.

However, the script, overly written by the star and director spews out a whole lot of nothing. There's supposed to be a "Big Chill" type effect ...a funeral that re unites old friends and family...but honestly, the main character is so self absorbed and 1 dimensional.

The ONLY character in this film is the token white guy who gets beat up who generates ANY shred of empathy. Otherwise, every other character in this film is essentially a "professional victim" Not one actor can act... Then again, it may fall back on the heavy handed, inconsistent script - and possibly the "director" not knowing how to get the actors to show depth.

After the first 10 minutes into this movie, the lack of depth, self awareness and/or insight to any character in this movie had me looking at memes instead of captivating my attention.

The non-linear editing was noticeable instead of seamless. It often drew attention to itself... which is sadly the parts of the movie I was engaged in. Sadly, when it jumps from character to character.. you don't know when or where it takes place. As each scene goes on, it left me wondering what relevance does this have with...anyone else in the film? Occasionally, one or two scenes pop up and have some bearing on the characters...but not enough to keep me rivited.

PS, you can tell when the credits should start rolling...when this woman starts singing this off key "Enya-esque" melancholy song and the screen
  • eventually - fades to black....

and its still black...

and its still black...

and its still black....

FINALLY THE CREDITS ROLL... THAT'S the best part of this movie.
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