Even at under an hour, it was just brutally painful.
21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An extremely tedious political thriller involving a fictional Latin American country results in the murder of a trumpet player at a sleazy New Orleans jazz club. Richard Derr is "the shadow", aka Lamont Cranston, protecting an expatriate, utilizing his powers of hypnosis (seen through his bulging eyes that we know are hypnotizing because of the weird music that goes along with it) and maniacal laughter that appears out of nowhere.

This is difficult to watch even on TV, so how they could get away with utilizing a TV pilot edited together with extra footage to be released on the big screen (two times, once in 1958 and again in 1962!) is unbelievable. The edited in footage (a TV broadcast of a supposed execution) looks just as bad, if not worse, than what was done for the pilots. Dull and plodding, this convoluted mess has absolutely no entertainment value. Even as an episode of an ancient TV show, it has no value whatsoever.
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