A Senior Trekker writes......................
21 February 2022
The Golden Age of Star Trek: we had the 6th Season of The Next Generation and the 1st Season of Deep Space Nice on our televisions, Generations on view in our cinemas and First Contact due out soon. This season of TNG contains some excellent stand-alone episodes and several spectacular two-parters, with only the occasional make-weight. Despite the length of time it had already been on the air, it still represents some of the highest standard of television Science Fiction ever broadcast.

I have to admit that a small addendum would be appropriate here. In ladling all that praise onto Season 6, how could I have overlooked the bloody Exocomps?

It is hard to believe it but this episode is averagely popular, which I suppose may be for all the serious discussions about machine intelligence and human responsibility towards emerging consciousness.

On the other hand, classic 1950/60s Sci Fi fans may just have marked it up for the sheer nostalgia of seeing something that looks like an upended food mixer, decked in Christmas lights and suspended from a set of shaky strings. By the time it was broadcast in the early 1990's they had worked out how to conceal the strings but forgot that the jerky effect would still be visible. Believe me, it was every bit as embarrassing and just as forgettable when it was first aired.

Having the cast members keep a straight face while interacting with these things, let alone grow to treat them with respect, was probably someone's idea of a joke. The Particle Fountain was a good idea though.

Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5.
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