Republic of Doyle: Streets of St. John's (2012)
Season 3, Episode 1
Taking a star off for plot issues
24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is obviously one of the more memorable episodes due to Russel Crowe being in it, but it also introduces Jimmy and reintroduces Wolf (with a little retconing). They even have a cameo from Allen Hawco's wife again, which adds to the season opener extravaganza.

Sure, parts of the plot don't make exact sense. There's frequently little plot conveniences over the span of the show to make things work. You sort of have to be able to let it go or else not watch. We've all seen way too much CSI to not notice right away that most cops/coroners can tell if a gunshot was made close range or from a distance, plus the obvious hole in the window etc etc. Also there is no real reason, once Jake is deeply involved and captured for Crowe's gang to not tell him who they are. (This happens in A LOT of episodes - people withhold crucial info for no reason other than to keep the audience guessing what is happening.) So ok, I'm talking off a star because I do wish the overall writing was *slightly* tighter.

Also it's a little jarring to have Tarrent appear last season as a Fed taking down corruption, now, just a couple months later, he's the local police captain and he has this massive weapons ring that already attracted the attention of more Feds. Like, just add a couple lines that he took over some business the Mayor's buddies had going or something.

But I do like how quickly they resolved Leslie getting fired at the end of last season. Also it's good Mal and Rose's retirement ended super quickly. Everyone looks like they had lots of fun making this and it's contagious to viewers. I do feel bad about Jimmy's leg because you know those injuries could probably bother him for life. But then all the head injuries Jake gets will definitely give him early dementia. Is that Christian behind the bar in the very last scene? Earlier, they said he moved away but that really looks like him in the scene.

Might as well add here how I think Hood gets a bad deal on this series. The first time I watched, I didn't like him because Jake doesn't like him. But then I realized Hood's just always doing his job the best he can using the info he is given. He always tried to befriend Jake and even Leslie in the beginning, yet they both are nasty to him. Later on, Leslie warms up but Jake stays a jerk. Even in this episode, sure he could have protested more over Leslie as a suspect, but he still obviously didn't think Leslie was guilty. This is about as jerky as he ever gets in the whole series. Hood deserves some justice!
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