RKO programmer has an exciting finish
25 February 2022
Gambler Alan Beckwith (William Boyd) wants to make a deal with gangster Andrew North (Warner Oland) to whom he owes five thousand dollars in gambling debts. He wants to take out a life insurance policy on himself for the amount he owes and then commit suicide. He's tired of life. North agrees but modifies the deal. Instead he will pay for a policy for a hundred thousand dollars in life insurance on Beckwith, but Beckwith needs to wait a year and a day to kill himself so that the policy will pay off on suicide. In return, North will pay for Beckwith to have a nice lifestyle while he waits out the year. Also, Beckwith has to marry a woman of North's choosing - Beverly (Dorothy Sebastian) who will be the technical beneficiary of the policy so that North can keep his name out of it. For some reason North, who trusts nobody, trusts that this woman will just hand over the money to him after Beckwith's death. Also, Beckwith and his wife in name only know nothing of each other's situation and relationship to North. Watch and find out how this plays out.

Husband and wife William Boyd and Dorothy Sebastian were in a couple of silents together - that's how they met - but this is the only sound film in which they appeared together. It would be interesting if only for that. I can't help but think this film had some of the melodramatic portions rushed so that there was more time at the end for the big car chase which is very well done considering RKO's budget and that this is early sound. For example, at some point during the year, Beckwith manages to get appointed as head West Coast salesman for a development company and his wife becomes an executive secretary for another big company, during the Great Depression! Why didn't these two show this kind of hustle and initiative before?

As the comic relief, Zasu Pitts and James Gleason play a maid and a henchman of North's who are a married couple, but they are actually something other than what they appear to be.
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