The Gardener (III) (2016)
Breathtakingly Beautiful
28 February 2022
Never thought I'd enjoy watching a film doc of a "Gardener" but I gave it a shot soley because I'm a huge fan of documentaries. Needless to say I truly loved every bit of it. The story told, the old photos, the interviews, but the sweet icing on the cake was the breathtakingly picturesque views. Just the sheer beauty of all the colorful landscape brought back memories of my sweet old grandma in her tiny yard. The only boy (I had 3 sisters and a baby bro) grandma's house was where I spent my summers. All she did was tend her gardens and go to church. Anyhow, it was the most beautiful place to be as a young boy playing with my little cars and trucks. I believe my grandma, bless her soul truly felt as proud as Mr Cabot appeared. God surely blessed him with a huge heart and a tremendous mind.

For those who think it was a waste of wealth and time I recommend you watch 'Planet of the Humans'.
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