Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Derelicts (1956)
Season 1, Episode 19
2 March 2022
Memories of "The Derelicts" were pretty good on first watch long ago. While not having the most memorable of plots, Robert Newton's performance was memorable to a tee. Have always liked Newton as an actor, especially his definitive Bill Sikes, he was not the most subtle of actors but he was always entertaining to watch and did menacing very well too. Robert Stevenson's entries for 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' were a bit of a mixed bag but enough of them are worth watching.

"The Derelicts" is definitely one of the episodes of 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' that is worth watching and one of the Stevenson directed episodes that is worthwhile. It is far from one of the best episodes of Season 1 or of the series, one of Stevenson's best episodes or one of the series' classics. It is a long way from being one of the worst 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' entries though, and is a big improvement over the disappointing previous episode.

It is far from a flawless episode. The story could have done with more tension, especially in the final third, and some of it is not easy to follow. Will agree too that the climactic moments are on the flat side, with the tension and energy not being there enough, and seemed rushed too.

Phillip Reed also came over as bland in a role that doesn't have enough juice.

Newton's character though has plenty of juice and Newton absolutely steals the show. He has a genuine menace about him while also being larger than life, doing so without unbalancing the episode too much. He is the aspect that one most remembers but the rest of the cast are very good. Only Reed is wanting. Stevenson directs solidly generally. It is slickly and atmospherically filmed, while the main theme is beautifully macabre. Hitchcock's bookending is entertainingly droll.

Writing-wise, "The Derelicts" is colourful and amusing while also having bite. While the story is a long way from flawless in execution, it is not dull, doesn't feel over-stuffed or crammed, not simplistic or over-complicated and there is some nice atmosphere in the middle.

A lot is good here, just that it did feel like something was missing. 7/10.
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