Star Trek: The Next Generation: Frame of Mind (1993)
Season 6, Episode 21
A Senior Trekker writes.......................
2 March 2022
The Golden Age of Star Trek: we had the 6th Season of The Next Generation and the 1st Season of Deep Space Nice on our televisions, Generations on view in our cinemas and First Contact due out soon. This season of TNG contains some excellent stand-alone episodes and several spectacular two-parters, with only the occasional make-weight. Despite the length of time it had already been on the air, it still represents some of the highest standard of television Science Fiction ever broadcast.

This one is pretty "out there" for a Star Trek episode and shows how many risks the producers were willing to take by this stage of the series. And it is excellent. It's the best Will Riker episode, the best thriller and the best psychological piece. You don't really know what was going on? Join the queue.

Just enjoy the tension and the sense of menace, the sheer creativity and excitement of something that falls outside of all previous expectations; and it looks from all the positive reviews as if most people were willing to do just that. It seldom pays to underestimate the intelligence of the Star Trek audience and this episode proves how much we are up for a challenge.

It is interesting to note that in the intervening years the big screen has offered us such nested realities as: The Matrix, Memento, Inception, Shutter Island and any number of other films with Bruce Willis in them. They cost a small fortune to make and I don't think I made it to the end of any of them (despite the advice of various film-buffs in the family).

Frame of Mind IS better, Jonathan Frakes IS fantastic in it and everyone concerned deserves our thanks for taking a chance on the viewers' attention span.

Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5.
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