Sex Weather (2018)
Random rating
2 March 2022
I didn't want to rate it because there are things in it that offend and things in it that are manipulatively emotionally intense. A very far from perfect viewer watched it. As usual, when a black man and white woman are involved in a romance, Hollywood doesn't want to call it a romance. One gets the impression that the couple had to cheat to appreciate their mutually exclusive relationships. That is how it is written. The writing does its job of drawing you in and keeping you engaged, whether you like the movie or not. Despite my imperfections, I'd like that emotion to be contained in a proper marriage no matter the color of the participants, but despite everything, this movie is a romance. There are many movies like this that have an all white cast. They are offensive too. They are forbidden. In the midst of all that, they are all called romance mivies. So is this one. There have been many straight and narrow romance movies but next to none of them feature a black man and white woman, because Hollywood is too offended by that. Hollywood needs to grow up. Let's not be more offended by the color combo than we are by cheating.
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