What is Better Than a Suicidal Myth of an Asian "Superman?"
2 March 2022
To be honest, this is the best parody of the DC world I've ever seen.

Most parodies try to make you laugh - this one shows you the joke and doesn't tell you about it.

Most parodies try to make you invest - this one is no exception - it throws tons of information to exercise your brain.

Most parodies develop mental representations among viewers - this one casts doubts on whether the DC you knew was false.

Most parodies focus on one author and one work - this one elevates the theme and transcends itself to satire to address multiple social issues such as race and science.

Yet, through its deeply hidden mask of seriousness, I was able to appreciate the nuance and parody of this movie.

We definitely need more Asian superheroes - the main reason I was so upset as a teenager was that every time I woke up, stepped to the basin, and looked into the mirror, I saw a man who didn't look like my hero spider-man at all. But now, with The Guardians of Justice, I'm finally able to look at myself and say, "it's the face and body shape of The Marvelous Man!"
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