Review of Vice Academy

Vice Academy (1989)
Hey, Nobody Was Expecting Shakespeare Here!
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so you shouldn't be expecting Shakespeare when you see Ginger Lynn and Linnea Quigley as the leads but for what this was, it worked!

Yes, it's major 80s cheesetastic and overloaded camp-a-palooza but it has its moments. The best part of this was Linnea Quigley. She really carried this movie. She was super funny, had great comedic timing, and of course delivered on her sexpot persona. I'm pretty much a Linnea fan since her infamous role as Trash in Return of the Living Dead. She was hilarious in that too.

Not sure if this was Ginger Lynn's 1st or 2nd mainstream role after leaving adult movies but it felt like it was her 1st. Her acting was horrible and stiff. She felt spaced out or something. She was much better in Vice Academy Part 2 though and even made me laugh lots of times watching it.

This was a very very low budget production and there are many instances where that is evident but it made me laugh and cringe at the same time. I'm a B movie fan and it's Bs like this one that keep me coming back for more. However, I don't think I watched any other sequels after this beyond Part 2 & Part 3. After 3, I'd had enough because they screwed the pooch big time in not bringing Linnea Quigley back.

I remember watching this for the first time in the early to mid 1990s and I think I saw it on USA Network's Up All Night series. I ended up hunting down Vice Academy 2 back then to see if it was as funny and it delivered in spots as well. 2 was way more cheesy & dumbed down but it was watchable to a point. Whenever I see Vice Academy showing somewhere, I make a point to re-watch it and it never disappoints in giving me a hardy guffaw.

There are two scenes that always have me rolling on the floor. First was Linnea's character's first attempt at infiltrating the porno ring and immediately breaking character and forgetting all about her undercover role. Second was the police academy graduation where apparently no one involved in the production of this film took the time to actually research a police academy graduation but instead put the actors in plain high school graduation gowns complete with cap & tassels. Nowhere on planet Earth do police academy graduates wear graduation gowns & caps! I always wet myself when that scene comes up!

You get comedy but you also get ridiculous dialogue, incomprehensible plot riddled with plot holes, elementary school play quality acting, amateurish camera work and editing, no knowledge of what the word continuity even means, 1st grade level sets & set designs, lines delivered the same way they'd read it straight off the page, bad overacting, T&A (for those so inclined), and so much worse. Normally these are things that would make me hate a movie but for this level of cheese & camp, I'm content with a final grade of -D (I liked it).

It didn't try to be anything more than what it was - pure cheesy, campy, brain dead, trashy goodness and on that point - it delivered.
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