The Batman (2022)
the millennials have come out in force
3 March 2022
I can truly say that I've never experienced this yet, a campaign of millennial non-sense that already insists this is the best Batman movie ever made... and if you give it any less than an 8/10... you'll receive a 'not helpful' click under the review you probably put a lot of thought into... yes, the millennials have woken.

This movie isn't bad, it's plenty dark (mood wise and stylistically) much more like the DC comics... it kinda reminds me of 'Dredd' in that sense, which was good but not great, however much better than the Stallone flick... the difference is that movie was R-Rated, 'The Batman' is not, so we'll still have to wait to see what I've longed for all my life, a R-Rated Batman film.

I have major issues with cast choices for 3 main actors... in the case of Robert Pattinson, I knew it wasn't going to work. For whatever reason, they thought a Brit would be a good choice but it really wasn't... it's not that I don't like him, I really liked 'The Lighthouse' (a role he was strangely suited for)... and Paul Dano was not a good choice either, I could think of 10 actors off the top of my head who would've been much better, he's got that quirky, bizzare cleverness needed for the role but I'm not a big fan of his.... and don't get me started about Zoe Kravitz.

Overall, this film was completely unnecessary, but at least they didn't just re-do the same old Batman vs. Joker we've seen several times.

Action/Special Effects are excellent... and a big reason I didn't score it lower.
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