Review of Galavant

Galavant (2015–2016)
Delightful songs and jokes, but the writing is beyond primitive
5 March 2022
Now let's be clear, I do recommend taking a look at "Galavant" - when it works, it's a real joy, and if nothing else it'll give you some real earworms for your playlist and eye-candy hotties for your gawking pleasure. There are competently composed and sang songs, there is some really great comedy, and performances are quite lovely. The characters are well-acted, sympathetic and interesting to follow (although the cook and the maid are rather one-note and lame; and I have mixed feelings about Roberta). One cannot exactly say that there's much action, but when it appears on the screen it tends to be plausible enough for what the series is. It's a high-adventure comedy-musical in a fantasy setting, and, pleasantly, while it's a parody, it's an affectionate one, not a deconstruction. If you're worrying that given the diverse cast, the white man protagonist is going to be the butt of all jokes - cheer up, the titular Galavant is competent and well-regarded, while remaining a comedic character.

It has to be said, however - the writing is horrendous. Think of a cliche, of a plot that you could predict from first lines - you have them here, and usually not even to mock them. You know how in well-written things there is sometimes foreshadowing? Here you have the antipode of that: situations where exact opposite things occur than were "foreshadowed" or explicitly stated (again, not talking about when it's done for comedic reasons). Finally, the series has the gall to try and have a "moral of the episode". I can't even begin to understand what the thought process behind that is - surely, given the common jokes about sex, occasional bleeped-out swearwords and stuff like that, they weren't aiming towards the youngest audience, so it's teenagers at least. So why did they feel the need to dumb down their stories and moralise so much?! And it's not even ideological moralisation or something, it's literally stuff along the lines of "friends good" and "being mean bad" - why?!

My ratings by season: S1: 5 S2: 5.
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