Interesting little movie without much plot or purpose
6 March 2022
"A Seaside Story" is a typically inexplicable short film from mid-eighties England. We're so used to watching movies and TV shows that lead us by the hand and tell us exactly what to think that movies like this may as well be made by aliens. It's not that "weird", ie. This is no Lynchian nightmare, it's just hard to place what the filmmakers were trying to achieve when they made it.

The plot: two boys go for a holiday by the seaside. They stay with an eccentric old woman. One of the boys, a mullethead, wants to chase girls and has no trouble attracting their interest. The other boy, however, hides from them and seems to be trying to steer his friend away from the female gaze.

The stage is set for a gay interest story. Presumably the other boy is gay, and has feelings for his friend, right?

Wrong. Apparently. One of the girls actually asks if he is gay, and the girl-crazy one is apparently not incorrect when he says he isn't. He's just more interested in science than girls, I guess.

There's not a whole lot of story here, but these short films are rarely boring - wish I could say the same for their feature-length counterparts - and this was no exception. A highlight was the science boy changing a light bulb for his elderly landlady while wearing only a towel, which he loses, though the movie doesn't actually contain any nudity, despite the IMDB keyword suggesting otherwise.
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