Star Trek: The Next Generation: Liaisons (1993)
Season 7, Episode 2
A Senior Trekker writes................
6 March 2022
The final season of Star Trek, the Next Generation gave us some splendid episodes and also a fair share of stinkers. Everyone knew by this stage that they would not be renewed and attempts were made to wrap up various story lines before they said their final goodbyes. There is still a great deal to be enjoyed.

As I've already stated many times, there is no accounting for taste. I REALLY LIKE THIS EPISODE. Not so much for the flummery taking place aboard ship but for the highly atmospheric mystery that embroils Captain Picard when the shuttle taking him on a diplomatic exchange mission crashes on a remote planet.

Veteran director Cliff Bole has ramped up the tension between Patrick Stewart and Canadian guest actress Barbara Williams to the extent that I really felt their uncomfortable disconnect. Skilful lighting gave the shelter built inside a crashed spacecraft an authentic look and the weather effects were convincing enough. Of course, all of this requires a considerable suspension of disbelief, especially when looking back from a era of much more advanced special effects, but I thought that these two theatrical actors were more than able to bring the script to life. Yes, I know that the final scene between them took place against a painted backdrop and that many viewers had long since worked out what was going on with the necklace but for me this episode generated the atmosphere of a classic SciFi. Story.

Guest actors Paul Eiding, Ricky D'Shon Collins and Michael Harris make an enjoyable trio of ambassadors, stretching the hospitality of the Enterprise Crew to the limits. Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn both get splendid comic turns as their long-suffering hosts but it is Cmdr Worf's barely suppressed rage that steals every scene.

Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5.
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