Paper Planes (I) (2014)
A Surprising Family Drama
6 March 2022
Paper Planes is mainly just your average big-hearted look at a unique world-records competition, but it also sheds some light on grief. This appealing tale best for children and families stars Ed Oxenbould as a schoolboy who randomly picks up a passion for the art of making a neat plane out of a sheet of paper. His character eventually ends up taking a part in serious paper plane flying competitions.

This Australian drama film involves and features everything a child would want and should typically get in a film. There's obviously the competitive aspect leading the way, but there's also other significant elements such as friends, family, bullies and also grief. There's simply no reason a child won't be entertained by this positive-messaged movie centred around the average don't-give-up theme.

Something that seems to be overlooked and unnoticed especially considering it's a young kids' movie is the depiction of real grief. The entire cast is memorable and very Aussie, but Sam Worthington delivers the greatest performance as the brief character at the side who spends his days unmotivated and grieving over his wife's death. This section of Paper Planes is incredibly realistic and well-constructed.

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