The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Lonely One (1992)
Season 6, Episode 1
"We're crazy to be out at a time like this."
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't you think it somewhat odd that an unknown serial killer gets nicknamed 'The Lonely One'? Kind of makes you want to feel sorry for the guy, doesn't it? Like if he wasn't lonely, he wouldn't go around murdering women in the dark of night, would he?

The story does a fairly good job of building suspense after Francine (Sheila McCarthy) and Helen (Maggie Harper) make it safely home following an evening at the movies with their friend Lavinia (Joanna Cassidy). I thought Lavinia overdid it with her rebuke of the danger involved by walking home after dark, to the point of making fun of her associates. The tension ratchets up when she passes through that ravine with its winding staircases, when earlier in the story it was mentioned there was a safer way to walk even if it was a little longer. Probably better lit too. A little hook is thrown in with Officer Kennedy (Stephen O'Rourke), making it seem like he could be the Lonely One, but that was just a red herring.

What Lavinia should have done was take the soda shop clerk's (Peter Rowley) warning that an unidentified man was asking about her earlier in the day. Was he the Lonely One? The ending allows you to draw your own conclusions as to his identity, though not the identity of his next victim.
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