A Bridesmaid in Love (2022 TV Movie)
" The Big Misunderstanding"
11 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really like Tori Anderson and her pretty smiley eyes. She's been in two other Hallmarks I have seen and she was the primary reason why those movies were at least watchable. In one, she was the only bright spot, and in the other, she was an important ingredient in a production that worked in several ways. In this one, everything was going a long fine, until towards the end when we came to "big conflict" time.

Let me back up. Tori plays a free lance writer whose specialty is tips and advice for brides and weddings. She is kind of like a wedding planner, but she actually is a "professional bridesmaid" who solves problems or possible disasters that creep up, and adds great ideas to make good weddings even better. She does this for brides in exchange for a healthy contribution to a worthy charity. Then she writes about it. When her childhood friend whose brother Matt was also once one of her best friends, is planning her wedding, Tori steps up. She has recently broken up with her loser boyfriend of 1 year, and Matt is the love interest. I really liked Matt. He was very attractive in a guy next door kind of way and was super sweet, like Tori. They were perfect for each other and were soon well on the way to googly eyes and true love, with Tori saving her friend's wedding from disaster right and left. Venue, caterer, dress, you name it and Tori saves it.

Everything was burbling along fine, with a few side plots in addition to the wedding adventures. Her veterinarian ex, starts to pop up as well, which added to the anticipation and suspense. We see that he is regretting his assholery, and we are seeing that Tori (along with the viewer) is wondering what the heck she saw in him in the first place. I mean, when he shows up at her Dad's coffee shop on his way to the "Hamster Rehabilitation Conference" and her eyes start to dart around looking for escape, we know she has moved on. But he is clueless and he makes time in his busy busy Kitty and Puppy schedule to trap her alone so he can propose marriage.

And this is where the movie takes a turn for the worse. Nice Matt sees him getting down on one knee and, despite their burgeoning love, good times, soulful gazes, and intimate conversations, he turns his back and leaves the premises without bothering to see the outcome. Because of course if a guy gets down on one knee, there is only one conclusion one can make, right? The girl says yes. No. There are two possible out comes, Matt. "Yes, I will marry you," or "Thanks, but no thanks." To make his insulting conclusion worse, he acts like a total jerk to her for the last 20 minutes of the movie. He gives her the cold shoulder and is very rude. Tori is confused and heartbroken, and I was irate. It was a very very bad example of the "The Big Misunderstanding". The utter stupidity ruined a pretty decent movie.
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