Budfoot (2019)
"Gimme a minute, one of my toys just came alive!"
12 March 2022
A toy maker who specialises in highly custom unique monster action figures for adult collectors appears to, possibly due to copious amounts of weed as well as the volatile solvents he uses to mould his creations, get so high that he hallucinates an invasion from another plane of existence, or does he, as his latest work of 'art', a three-eyed, skull-faced four-armed moss covered uh...thing, springs to life and at first tries nicely to convince the man to 'open' his mind with a casual southern twang voice and then attacks him to bring about many more creepy little monster denizens like itself by cracking open the door to imagination by force, which is of course the poor guy's head! So the colours used in this short are just amazing to look at, the fantastical trippy aspect of it really pops, and the visuals of it alone make it stand out from anything you're likely to have seen before. It's really very cool and fun, I love the wild use of colour and visual flair, so psychedelic and neon-lighted, there's even a little bit of stop-motion animation that's used really well and fits right into all the craziness going down. By the end it left me slack-jawed and wondering what on Earth I just watched, and you're not really sure if everything did happen the way it appeared to or if it was all just the guy's trip...either way I had a blast with this one, it's one of the most bizarre and out there things I've ever seen! It's a mind blowing short in more ways than one, very strange concept indeed, bet a hell of a lot of fun , you should check this one out!! X.
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