Certainly Worthwhile If You're Interested In The Real Story
12 March 2022
How this film has only a 3.9/10 rating on this site right now is beyond me. It's really not nearly that bad. In fact, it is quite interesting and it's also probably the most accurate film made on the Boston Strangler case so far. The 1968 film is far better entertainment and of better quality for sure, it's a pretty strong film in many ways. But at the same time, the 1968 film has little concern for the reality of the actual true story. So in terms of the facts, this film is actually superior. This is definitely more of a drama than a horror. There really isn't many tense or graphic moments in this film. If you're interested in the actual real story and you don't mind your serial killer films being dramas, then this is likely worth a watch for you. The production quality and the acting are nothing special here, but neither are all that bad either. For me, this didn't make the story any less significant or watchable. I found it to be easily watchable in fact, and as I previously said, it's quite interesting. 6/10.
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