The Walking Dead: The Lucky Ones (2022)
Season 11, Episode 12
So What Did We Learn Tonight?
14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Maggie appears to be as stubborn as she is hypocritical. Obviously She feels there is not enough fairness in the Haves vs Have Nots society contained within the Commonwealth, yet she alone speaks for 2 communities.

There will always be those with more material goods than others, but as long as all have the basic necessities for life and access to schools and employment why would you want to stay in a community that has been decimated many times and where the members repeatedly faced possibly starving to death?

Why doesn't Maggie simply visit the Commonwealth and speak to some of its long time members as apparently she no longer trusts Daryl, Rosita and Aaron's judgement

If Zeke really felt so strongly about not jumping over other Commonwealth community members for his needed surgery, then why did he go through with it?

Eugene needs to get his head back in the game and get over being so woman whipped. With his brains he could prolly have his pick of choice positions at he Commonwealth.

It didn't take long for Daryl to get on Mercer's good side and its a good thing that Daryl doesn't trust anyone as he has seen before that if things seem too good to be true they most likely are.

Gov Milton obviously feels Hornsby has too much ambition and I wouldn't be surprised to see him as the leader of the underground resistance and possibly coordinating a coup d'etat.

Shooting a large group of Walkers with automatic weapons isn't nearly as fun as killing them hand to hand with edged weapons.

At least Gov Milton finds time to get a pedicure before meeting new community leaders.

Now Negan will be coming back soon won't he?

Best Line: No Pineapple Jerry, I'm Serious!

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