A Snoodle's Tale (2004 Video)
Has the best VeggieTales story, yet still gets a 8/10.
15 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is interesting based on the contents. On one hand, you got an entertaining spoof of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and on the other, you have a great story teaching a lesson about self worth.

Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly is, again, an entertaining segment. I, personally, have never read the original Novel, but I did work on a play inspired by the original novel. The play never got presented to the public, but the play itself had an interesting perspective on the doctor's family. Dr. Jiggle tells a story of a man who has a dream, but fears of what others think of him. This leads him to disguise himself as Mr. Sly, an expert dancer. Scooter Carrot and Larry the Cucumber do play an interesting duo in this, playing the parodied version of Utterson. The song at the end is entertaining, and the jokes are hilarious. I recommend this to people who love funny parody shorts.

There is a silly song in this called Sport Utility Vehicle. The song is okay. It has an interesting premise, as Larry the Cucumber and a girl named Ms. Achmetha sing about their SUV's and imagine what they can do with them. The song has a good premise, but the song is still okay.

The main segment, A Snoodle's Tale, is my favorite story told in any VeggieTales episode. The story, written by Phil Vischer, is meant to tell a Dr. Seuss style story, but at certain points, ends up becoming a parable. The story is about a young boy, a Snoodle, learning about who he is. He is given wings, paints, and a kazoo, and when he uses them, other people in the town make fun of him. The boy leaves and ends up going to the top of a mountain, where he meets a kind man. The man shows the young boy who he is meant to be, as the man is the creator himself. The creator is never seen, and that is a good thing, as the creator is basically God, and seeing is not the same as believing. The segment ends with the boy using his wings to fly. The story is beautiful, and the casting is great!

The biggest downside to this episode is the animation. But, I can forgive the animation team, as this was the first episode that was done by a different animation team in Canada, so they weren't used to the characters yet.

Once again, this episode has my favorite story, and yet is still a 8/10 for me. This is one of those episodes that can either be considered great or good. If you want to teach your kids about self worth, I highly recommend this movie.

P. S.: Yes, I am familiar that the DVD features The Story of Flibber-a-loo from Are You My Neighbor after the episode is over. But, I don't care. It's just an extra, and extra's aren't meant to be taken seriously.
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