The Morning Show: My Least Favorite Year (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
WOW wow and wow
16 March 2022
When Apple first launched a streaming platform with original content, it was clear that it thought The Morning Show, with its prestige feel and ultra A+ list cast was meant to be its flagship series. But despite its gleaming production values and admirable dedication to telling a complex story with no easy answers, it's often felt like a throwback to shows that don't really exist anymore, rather than the new, cutting edge drama Apple so clearly wanted it to be. "My Least Favorite Year" then jumps ahead several months to show us how things have changed in the wake of the bombshell announcement. And in many ways, the answer appears to be not much - or, possibly a lot, but not in the ways that matter. Mean, one of the first things we see is that a male UBA evening news anchor is being accused of emotionally abusing his staff. Alex apparently quit The Morning Show fairly dramatically, garnering herself a ton of magazine covers in the process. She's retreated to a picturesque Maine house to write her memoirs in the snow. Bradley's new co-host is getting promoted to the evening news desk, and since her ratings are down, internal conversations begin about whether she should be replaced. New corporate whiz kid Stella seems convinced the time to start fresh is here but Cory wants Alex back. The only time in "My Least Favorite Year" that Bradley even feels even remotely like herself is the scene in which she confronts Cory about keeping Eric's promotion from her. She's furious and righteous and that's the Bradley I love. New York City was certainly uniquely devastated by the earliest days of COVID-19 and it's probably necessary for a show that has so thoroughly embedded the Big Apple into its very DNA to somehow address it.
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