Drive-In masterpiece.
16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A paint by the numbers plotline loaded with cliched characters has the good in white with blonde hair and the bad in leather jackets and on motor cycles which leads to the leather men fighting the preppie men, and eventually a motorcycle race which kills one of the bikers. They seek revenge on good guy Gary Clarke whom they blame, and even try to rape his girlfriend, Yvonne Lime. Clarke's mom is none other than Fay Wray, that beauty who killed the beast, and 25 years after that science-fiction classic is still actually quite a beauty. Ted Wedderspoon as the foreign accented Gramps completely overplays his part as if he was emulating Papa Bauer from "Guiding Light".

Clarke and Lime do their best with the cliched good guy parts and silly dialogue, while Bob Turnbull and John Garwood are very one-dimensional as the lead members of the leather bike gang as if they were acting in a bad community theater production of "West Side Story" while imitating Brando in "The Wild Bunch". The heavyset Aileen Carlyle gets the best material in a bit role as the cafe manager, briefly cutting a rug when the teams come in to dance to the jukebox. There's even a brief musical interlude, fortunately very brief, as well as a fight between one of the biker chicks and one of the preppy women. Not a complete dog, but it's often unintentionally funny and after a while, I really didn't care about any of the characters. Mercifully brief like most AIP Drive-In flicks. The similarly named "Dragstrip Girl" is the better of the double bill that I did, completely unrelated to this. In fact, there really isn't much dragstrip here other than the motorcyle race.
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