Station Eleven: Wheel of Fire (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Barely worth 1 star, if you want your Intellect dumbing down watch this GARBAGE!.
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does Contain Spoilers**, **Does Contain Spoilers**, **Does Contain Spoilers**, **Does Contain Spoilers**, **Does Contain Spoilers**.

So where do you start with this utter GARBAGE. Right then, some actor starts dying on stage. Of cause there is no one in the production crew on hand we are supposed to believe with any medical training. Even though there is a DEFIBRILLATOR that gets called for by some medic types coming from the audience or somewhere, who FINALLY twigs that the guy is indeed having a heart attack and calls out for the device.

So they HAVE a Defibrillator but we are 'supposed to believe', (you'll be seeing a lot of these 'supposed to believe' moments throughout this show if you are daft enough to continue watching it). Yea supposed to believe that NO ONE has been TRAINED UP to actually USE his device.

Just have such a device eventually on hand, dug out with no trained person to operate it, that I bet they would have had to have someone at least with first aid experience all as part of the Theatre Insurance, maybe even Union requirements.

So anyway, we are supposed to believe that the Stage Manager & supervisors there would be more interested in getting some fake snow turned off than having 8 year old children STANDING AROUND watching some guy die. Not instead having them took away to the side, off of the stage.

Not very likely is it.

Then we have the bogus saga of the young girls wrangler/chaperone person who after eventually finding the girl to take her home but then vanishes, disappears into thin air, even though she has been given a KEY to the young girls Parents home. An almost total stranger given a key to what looks like an expensive house. Not very likely.

So abandoned with no way for the child to even get in to her home BECAUSE her parents just happen NOT to be at home. Her Parents can't be bothered to COLLECT the girl every night or send an UBER to pick her up, they do not even trust the girl to have a key of her own.

So they all go off on a train get to her Parents home, with the girl who we are led to believe did not know her Parents were not even going to be there. Her elusive Parents we are supposed to believe never told her.

So the guy & the girl can't get in, she just happening to be an 'only' child with no elder sibling at home. With neither the neglectful Wrangler or either of the girls parents can be contacted on the phone. All unavailable. We are supposed to believe all this.

Then we get the sheer nonsense of the guy getting 5 shopping carts FULL of food. And pushing it all in a train of shopping carts miles through the snow.

It'd be hard enough pushing one EMPTY shopping cart let alone one that was full of shopping through the snow. Let alone FIVE!! Shopping carts, somehow strapped up with some bungee straps up the sides.

Not very likely being able to push all that amount of weight and rolling resistance, not in the snow and up even the slightest of inclines. The weight of such a train of shopping carts needing as we could SEE a large BATTERY PACK. I suspect installed on the lower shelf of the second shopping cart at the front of its forward motion. Hidden inside a white cardboard box.

A battery pack & electric motors being rigged up to this utter nonsense of a situation, with the guy just flipping a switch or some off scene crew hand did and off it went at around 33mins in this garbage episode.

The guy initially was not even PUSHING this train of heavy shopping carts FULL of food, we can clearly see his elbows were bent, not straight. So unless he has Superman strength pec muscles it is an impossibility. The electric/battery motor had been activated before he had started his initial PUSH. The most strenuous moment, getting it initially moving.

WE see shortly after he can even push it all along one handed whilst on the phone and even when sticking his phone in his coat pocket it moves along effortlessly no handed. (possibly a slight incline downwards maybe, it looked levelish but in that snow it would take a bigger incline than that to keep it moving on its own).

Later on around 35mins 38secs at the apartment block lobby we see all the shopping carts even had bottles of water as well on the lower racks, 4 lots of them other than the cart with the disguised battery pack in the white box.

The weight of all that could not be pushed by him, not a chance. So TOTAL GARBAGE THEN. But you are all supposed to lower your intellect accept this and swallow it all down, the sheer garbage of it.

At 37mins 30secs onwards at the apartment front door, again we see this guy has super strength pushing the shopping cart one handed with his super strength even being bestowed upon the 8 year old girl as well!!!. She is seen pushing a shopping cart full of food & water, not straight armed to get leverage but with bent elbows all on likely to be the apartments carpet. AND around a corner in a circular motion.

Then just 'moments' after getting into the guys bro's apartment, not hours or days later but almost straight away within 5 mins, (the chances of that!), of all the places for a commercial aircraft to crash, it crashes right outside that apartment. 200 yards from it. Again the chances of that.

Just a load of improbable nonsense. Poorly written script.

Of cause even after this garbage nonsense of an episode I then decided to waste even more time viewing the next episode. Giving it a chance.

**Does Contain Spoilers** **Does Contain Spoilers** **Does Contain Spoilers**.

Episode 2 then, containing ***SPOILERS***.

We then find ourselves in this hippy dippy trippy World of HAPPY hippy communes with a roving acting troupe of acting performers visiting them all now and then.

They would likely have been wiped out. Many outside factions, Mexico, even South Americans heading north etc, for the booty. GANGS of thugs would have swept the USA, setting up warlord provinces, it would have all gone down the Mad Max type setting. Not some low polluting happy social utopia.

Not the 'nice' people living a carefree happy life as depicted in this 2nd episode but something far more sinister, fearful & threatening. Just how does this band of entertainers even SUSTAIN themselves?, producing what?.

We are supposed to believe they receive a shed load of supplies from hard working communities to feed them all for some garbage Shakespeare play performed. All clamouring to get them to perform for them we are shown.

They would have been either ENSLAVED and under the jurisdiction of some Kingpin type warlord guy & his thugs making all the local rules & demands or just bumped off. Shot dead.

We then get a pair of guys come along one of which the Speedo swimwear woman later cold heartedly STABS UP, leaving him for dead behind a log. Later to be seen slumped in a wheelchair, BLOOD coming from a wound in his side, either already dead or severely wounded and instead of the younger guy kicking up fuss about it to the troupe of performers, (the others seamed reasonable), instead just does 'nothing' about it. No justice pursued, just pushed the wounded or dead guy after looking at the waterfront for some reason??, wheeled him off back to his community. Not very likely is it.

Just sheer garbage. One of those series you are just supposed to accept any old garbage plot, any old garbage preposterous situation, time & time again all so the completely worthless POORLY written script can fit in, so it can actually work in folks dumbed down minds & proceed along. Yet it doesn't work does it.

Too many "as if's", just not a probable series of events, time & time again, unlikely individual events adding up to sheer garbage.

What an INSULT to the intelligence this series is. I refuse to watch any more of this utter tripe. All of the season swiftly ERASED off of my hard drive. A waste of time downloading it and a waste of time watching the first 2 episodes, giving it a chance. It just is not worth it.

DO not put yourself through watching this series, refuse to watch anything that insults your intelligence, having to dumb it down to be able to watch it.

I want material that does the opposite, something that IMPARTS something of value not what this is, as what that troupe of performers are... mainly Parasites. That is what this series is, a Parasite of the mind & intellect, something that takes away from what you already have.

It is OK to give up on watching a TV series, there is never a need to put yourselves through garbage. If after giving it a chance it does not come anywhere near being even satisfactory, best to leave it and forget about it.
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