Interesting, erudite and scholarly encapsulation of the subject from a British perspective (I don't give # or star ratings to documentaries as they are not comparable to films
17 March 2022
A look 500 years back at the Reformation started by Martin Luther as interpreted by a titan of British history documentaries, David Starkey.

As both the writer and presenter, David Starkey (a Phd. In history who doesn't use the title Dr.) visits Rome, Wittenberg, Worms and several locations in the UK. At each location he relates what happened there during the early 1500s and how the printing press enabled all to occur.

What makes this documentary especially interesting is the detail given. There's almost no filler in this. Starkey packs as much as he can into his 59 minutes and there's also about 4-5 expert guests to discuss manuscripts (including a 1525 actual Tyndale Bible) and such. Also relevant, but not "visible" until one thinks about it is how historian Starkey (an avowed non-believer) does not belittle believers (though he does have critical words for assorted church practices) thus presenting historical developments not from a holier than thou view, but as a historian attempting to make some sense out of what he is discussing.

Starkey has done over 40 hours of documentary coverage of British historical people, ideas and events over his career and thus far I have seen about one-third and all of those have been (like this entry) thought provoking and interesting to watch.
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