This Is Us: The Guitar Man (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Sorry, hated this ep
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand. Kevin is a jerk, always has been always will be and the writing is not making him redeemable nor sympathetic. He's selfish and full of himself. They still haven't repaired or had him fully grasp or understand Randall and the argument and comments he made about him. They rushed that and swept that under the rug. He thinks he's so important, doesn't understand being an addict (but he is one so that's confusing) or having ptsd (after the WHOLE thing with Nicky!) really? This episode was a mess, Cassidy isn't integral and this sounds awful but I just don't care about her (she doesn't fit into the show!), Nicky all of a sudden is healed and in a relationship and both could just move their lives to help poor Kevin be the amazing son he is, eyeroll. I'm bored of the filler episodes that don't do anything or say anything and the lazy writing especially because the episode with Jack's mother was so stellar. Are they running out of ideas? I guess I'm glad it's almost over. Sigh.
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