WeCrashed (2022)
Leto crashes the Room
20 March 2022
Listen, I think Jared Leto is a transcendent, generational talent and all of that jazz. That said, about six minutes into the first episode I started feeling a queasy sense of familiarity with the character he was portraying/persona he was channeling. It wasn't Adam Neumann, whom Leto is a half a foot shorter than, either. Nor was it Alfred E. Neuman. Nope, Leto in this role is a spot on, dead ringer for none other than Tommy Wiseau's "Johnny" in the infamous, often odious film "The Room." He must have really been studying him. I think Tommy may have him dead to rights on gimmick infringement. Leto can be a bit of a prankster. Still a solid portrayal, just of the wrong dude. Hathaway has some presence here, too. Her acting is on the level of Gwyneth Paltrow's. All in all, I found the show to be a trenchant, often entertaining, wholly excoriating analysis of narcissism and avarice. George Carlin's quote about the American Dream quickly comes to mind, i.e. You have to be asleep to still believe in it.
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