Family in Hiding (2006 TV Movie)
Criminals were more free than this family.
20 March 2022
About: A mother runs to the government to wipe her backside after getting involved with a criminal.

Story: good story but the lack of specific action was dumb.

Production: Boarderline. A lot things worked while other things like story were very questionable

Highlight: mom in her pj's. And her daut in leggings.

Main Intelligence: 0

Unworthiness Level: 0

Worthless Mutt: 1 mutt and it was eating trash.

Should you watch this? Yes. If you are an intelligent person you may notice that the criminals could hack payphones to find the whereabouts of the family but the government couldn't find the criminals. It's a head scratcher. Like back in 2011 with that cave dweller.

The criminals out of nowhere had a plant working for the government. The plant was making calls from work mind you and was still able to deceive his government pals. I'm Pretty sure their phone calls are monitored.

While the criminals were able to track the family in over 3 snakes. I mean states.

This movie had some stupid elements.

However the eye candy made it worthwhile.
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