Friday Night Dinner: The Plastic Bag (2020)
Season 6, Episode 2
A mean-spirited and uninspired episode with two flimsy conflicts
21 March 2022
Where do I even start with this episode?

I hated it.

The two main plots of this episode were flimsy, and this episode did not make me laugh once. The A plot of this episode is Martin being driven crazy by....... a bag in a tree. I mean come on, writers. Are you that low on ideas? This episode almost feels like the writers had writers' block, and they were looking around for inspiration, and they saw a plastic bag in a tree. Because this episode feels about as uninspired as a plastic bag in a tree. The B plot was somehow even worse, with Adam refusing to say "I love you" to his mum, because he did not remember going to a concert with his mum when he was 5.

Both plots in this episode were not only skull-numbingly uninspired, but genuinely mean-spirited. This show is by nature a bit mean-spirited, but several moments in this episode just felt downright malicious and not funny in the slightest. The way the boys keep hurting Martin when he is already hurt was not funny for me, it was just painful and filled with malice. Adam was also saying and doing some pretty disgusting things to avoid saying "I love you" to his mum.

The only mildly amusing moment in this entire episode came at the end, with the prank involving Jonnie's silly jacket.

But other than that, I did not crack a smile at this episode. I was not rooting for anyone in this family, I found myself just genuinely disliking them all. A horrible episode with two null conflicts. A true stinker, and one of the show's worst. 2/10.
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