Very Entertaining
21 March 2022
Tuesday Knight - most famous for both playing Kristen Parker, and singing the opening title song, in "A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master" - stars as Julia Altimari, CEO of the new start-up ride share app named "Rock n Ride."

Julia; her partners Naomi (Victoria De Mare) and Lorraine (Croix Provence); and Julia's father Reginald (Jeffry Druce) are seeking capital investors to properly launch "Rock n Ride" in the current market that already has taxi and ride sharing companies competitively even.

As the creative team of "Rock n Ride" continues looking for investors and going about further maintenance & development, a murderer has been killing "Rock n Ride" drivers, and passengers. Thereby threatening not only "Rock n Ride," but the entire ride-share industry with negative publicity.

I am a huge fan of Tuesday Knight, who gives one of her ballsiest performances here. Oliver Robins - best known as younger brother Robbie Freeling in the original "Poltergeist" - also delivers a great performance as "Rock n Ride" driver Billy. And Eric Roberts is entertaining as always, in his role of Lt. Moyer.

This movie is not very scary, as horror movies go. But it is a very good mystery that will keep you guessing. There's no strong violence depicted, nor sex or nudity. The only content to really watch out for, is a lot of strong language.

The finale of "The Rideshare Killer" seeks to right a wrong by perpetrating the same kind of behavior that its lead characters condemn throughout the rest of the film. Which I actually find to be a very interesting commentary on today's "woke" culture.

I don't know what particular message the filmmakers were going for with their presented conclusion, nor do I want to. But it could definitely lead to some thoughtful discussions.
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