The title is faulty enough!
22 March 2022
America's Founding Fathers knew from the very start that democracy was toxic, so they didn't even use the word in their Declaration of Independence, their Constitution, or any of the founding amendments.

And for those who haven't yet developed good critical thinking skills to recognize the slippery purpose of sneaky rhetoric, America is not even a "representative democracy." A century after America's founding, British historian, Lord Acton told us exactly why democracy is so problematic -- "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely..." This includes "people power," too. Remember, the French Revolution was all about people power, and that led to the Reign of Terror with the Guillotine become the national sport!

Democracy is 3 Wolves and 1 Sheep voting on the Lunch menu. Naturally, the Sheep loses. But the Sheep should have wished for a Constitutional Republic, because it PROTECTS the smallest minority -- the individual.

So, this film starts out by pushing an anti-American and anti-Freedom narrative. Because when the Globalist-Leftists own the media, the Big Corporations, and the Marketing firms, they can sway the MOB to do whatever they want them to do.
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