This Should Be A Classic
23 March 2022
I discovered The Queen of the Stardust Ballroom a few years ago when a friend recommended it. I found print online which was not very good but I still loved what I saw

Recently I bought the Blu Ray of the film and saw a good print with clear sound and it bowled me over. This has to be one of the warmest and nicest feel good films ever made. The fact that its between two "regular" middle aged people makes it that much more special and relatable

The storyline is relatively simple but its the main actors that elevate the film above the ordinary

Maureen Stapleton transitions from grief to determination to a woman in love with poise and grace. She's a wonderful actress and nothing less would have been expected

For me the surprise was Charles Durning. We have known him from film after film to be a tough talking actor. Who knew he had this soft romantic side to him. From the time he steps in its as if the film is completely transformed. He is simply outstanding as the charming Shakespeare quoting mailman who can sing (not too badly) and dance. I definitely did not expect to see his portly frame glide so effortlessly and gracefully across the dance floor. Turns out he was a dance instructor for many years before he became an actor. I wonder why no other film maker made use of this talent again

I have rewatched the film several times over and it has left me smiling everytime. This is such a believable little story, even the sometimes off-key singing by the actors makes it that much more real and easy to engage with

I am surprised this film isn't better known than it is and why it doesn't count as a classic. Though it was nominated for a bunch of awards and even won a few,, it definitely needs more recognition than that.
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