The Guy Channel Presents a commercial
24 March 2022
It's plainly obvious The Food Network has been completely taken over by Guy and all must do his bidding.

The chicken franchise portrayed here is Guy's, which means the entire show was just a huge commercial for his franchise. Guy must completely control that network if he was able to talk them into making that. Notice all the "over-the-top" comments about the quality and concept. Never frozen chicken?! That only exists...everywhere. Guy do you know what a "Popeyes"is?

As for the series itself, a bunch of very entitled cry babies, and I don't think I've ever seen so many people join a reality show before with so many prior obligations. You couldn't take a few weeks off when you knew you were going to be on tv?

But "the most" annoying thing about this series was the blatant misogyny on display and Guy's personality.

Everyone seemed to hate the one woman contestant because she asked a lot of questions. It was so dumb they just keep bringing it up. And Guy's head seemed to grow about 10 sizes larger during the course of the show itself, I've never seen him be "mean" to people before. Was it because they were "regular people" so he felt like he could berate them?

Side note: I've never seen Guy actually cook before. Can he? He talks a lot for someone who never puts himself on the line.

I know 2 things after watching this: Not watching anymore Food Network competition shows, the concept has grown so tired, and NEVER visiting a Chicken Guy. Ever.
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