Review of Hard Hit

Hard Hit (2021)
Great potential wasted
26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have been great. It's not without reason there are so many remakes for this subject. But it disappoints. The first half was so thrilling I couldn't wait to tell my friends and family, but second half was such a duller. I mean it just tests your patience with lapses in logic. Like how is it that the villain can trace every book and corner the car goes to ( he even explains it) but the sophisticated police cannot , just so the hero and villain can have a face off!! I mean cmon!! The lady detonator does everything but detonate the bomb. A simple narrative but confusing at times.. Like " The suspects brother"!! Really? The police just believes someone who walks in and claims he is the brother??? And it takes the wifes call who happens to catch it on TV to let the police know that he is not the brother?? This movie unintentionally mocks at the Korean police. Even at the end, it took just about the same time to rescue the father from sea for the police guy to unbuckle the daughter from the car!! These small things just take away the fun and thrill the movies first half promised. And wth is Ji Chang doing these roles? Of course it's dark and different from the mushy romcoms but he can't just do anything for the heck of a change. Anybody could have played his role, there was no scope or need to bring Ji Chang here. He is really underplaying his talent. Hope he chooses better projects in the future.
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