The Wrong Neighbor (2017 TV Movie)
Cringe villain...this movie deserves no stars.
26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so stupid. I like the actors who played Mom, Dad, and Daughter. They've definitely been in better movies. I've seen the villain in some other movies, but she was so cringe here. What does she do all day? She manages to stalk Lisa at school, watch them on cameras, stalk the's pathetic. The movie wants to pretend that the dad invited her in their lives, but he literally (from his POV) did a kind thing and paid for her food when she seemingly had no money. The movie doesn't say whether or not she'd been stalking him prior to their both moving to that apartment building and set up that meeting (how could she have known he'd be at a food truck?) They try to quickly relate the opening scene to the climax/villain monologue, but that still doesn't explain why she is the way she is. We never learn anything about her before the climax. She doesn't bring up her parents once, so the audience has zero context for anything she does. Also, I don't think going psycho over a man and his daughter is the same as freaking out your parents to the point that they get a restraining order on you. The way Jamie latched onto Tim (dad) and Lisa (daughter) is so ridiculous and nonsensical. Why is she so evil? What was the point of her killing the boyfriend...a freaking teenager?

Another thing that bothered me is what's the point of killing the private eye if 1.not only does the mom not get his message, but 2.nobody knows he's dead? How did Jamie know he was following her anyway? They also glossed over the boyfriend being murdered on what appeared to be school grounds. Also, how did Jamie have Heather's phone number? And why did her picture appear as if she's a saved contact? It's all so so dumb.

I don't know if this is part of the official "Wrong" series or not. The father and daughter have been in other Wrong movies, but Vivica is not in this. This movie was awful.
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