Passionflix, you're killing me!
28 March 2022
This story is killing me, and I need all of the series movies now! Hahahha!

I'm an avid romance lover, and occasionally enjoy a good, darker, "I know it's going to torture me but make it a happy ending please!" story, but I'd never read this series. Then one day, YouTube threw a Gabriel/Julia fan reel at me and peaked my interest enough to ask "who the heck are these people?". Three days and one very uncomfortable COVID experience later, I'd purchased a Passionflix membership, binged all 4 movies, and 2 days later, the 5th (this one). And now I'm stuck in a deep rabbit hole of "when is the next one coming out!?!" Hahahha

Cause here's the thing, the source material is OK. Not my preferred style, but I can see the bones. But Passionflix have really elevated the content in my opinion. Beautiful scenery, heartfelt leads, intense stares *sigh*. It's not Academy stuff, but it's damn addictive! And as someone who doesn't often get to see my preferred reading content turned into live action, I'm actually pretty thrilled! But now I'm stuck! Because although I've now read the whole saga.... I still REALLY want to see these films!

Can't wait for more. Thank you so much to all involved! And a particular thanks to Passionflix for producing this type of content in a tasteful way, and promoting women in the industry in the process. I'm very happy about supporting this production house.
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