This brief film deserves high marks because . . .
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . it is such a blatant example of the nefarious influence the Dizzy Corporation has been upon our fragile planet during the past century. During the pernicious "educational" brainwashing session titled THE WINGED SCOURGE, Dizzy pictures seven happy dwarfs blissfully spraying "Paris Green" here, there and everywhere. What's wrong with this? Paris Green, aka copper (II) acetate triarsenite, derived from arsenic trioxide, is a highly toxic poison best known for being splashed about by the Axis of Evil Italian thugs in sewers during World War Two to allegedly to kill rats (but actually to eradicate Rome's Resistance Freedom Fighters hiding out down there). What kind of satanic twisted Evil-Doers would picture beloved cartoon characters urging parents to liberally douse their little one's playtime, dining and sleeping areas with one of the most lethal poisons chemists can concoct? Only the doomed minions of Old Scratch could perpetrate such a Crime against Humanity.
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