The Sweeney: Selected Target (1976)
Season 3, Episode 1
Maureen Lipman colorfully steals the show
31 March 2022
With so much going on in THE SWEENEY season three's kickoff SELECTED TARGET... including two veteran criminal cellmates feigning a last-minute spat when they're really teaming for a big score outside... happens in the 11th hour as Dennis Waterman's affable young Sgt. Carter winds up in a seemingly mild suburban house to get secondhand information from Maureen Lipman's Mrs. Smedley, a possible swinger dressed in bright counter-culture colors and stealing the show outright...

Crime-wise TARGET is a bit of a let-down but does feature the more outright-gorgeous starlet Judy Matheson as a sexy yet pouting moll of the leader, Lee Montague, with more screen-time than moon-faced partner Ronald Coleman in an episode with some memorable action including a gang in motorcycle helmets literally crashing a hotel that, except for that inevitable suburban home, is where much of the sparse, pulpy plot-line takes place.
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