Refreshingly restrained
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually watched this for Martin Compston, having never heard of Sam Worthington, but I don't think he hardly said a word in it. All films of this kind have a plot that's utterly ridiculous, so that's not really a criticism; however, although it had a rather good car chase, some of the gratuitous gunfire would make it slightly laughable to British audiences. In spite of that it wasn't too overplayed in the way that turns many American films into comedies, so the co-British production at least reined some of that in.

It was interesting to see a reviewer make fun of the genuine British baddie's accent, which actually made him far more chilling. The scene with the bow and arrow was far too confused for me really to work out the boy's intent.

I suspect the British ending would have seen the 'hero' drive over the cliff at the end, so I suspect the rather cheesy ending was insisted upon by the American co-producers.
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