Quantum Break (2016 Video Game)
4.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
3 April 2022
Before playing this game, I've never played anything quite like it. In this game, you experience reality as it's fragmenting. Using your characters abilities, you're able to use this fragmented world to your advantage, with some really spectacular action scenes. The game is so cinematic; so damn cinematic in fact that after every act, you get to watch a live-action episode based off the decisions you've made. So unique in that aspect, as before, I've never seen this episode feature in a game. It makes the story even more engaging, and shows this story from multiple angles. In all, this was a very memorable single player campaign. Felt like I was playing an interactive miniseries; that's how cinematic it was. Definitely give it a try if engaging single player games are your thing, and if you dig stories dealing with quantum reality and time distortion.

EDIT: I played this game a couple years ago with an understanding that this was probably was of the coolest and unique games I've played at the time and coming out of it thinking I just experienced one of my new favorite games. Fast-forward to 2022, I seen it was on gamepass, and with certain achievements I have yet to get, and me not remembering most of the story, I decided to replay this quantum mind****. First things first, the gameplay is still super cool and easy to master. Playing on hard, I felt like it wasn't ever too hard, but that may because I kept up on my upgrades. I loved time sprinting around unsuspecting fools and getting 3 headshots in quick succession, or breaking time around them and blasting 30 gunshots into the back of a heavy soldiers' head.

The story is one of the best aspects of the game, making truly one of the most cinematic games I've ever played. Plus all of the hidden stuff in the game adds to the immersion. After each act, you get to make a decision that shapes the rest of the game, for better or for worse.

Experiencing the TV episodes after each act was again refreshing, choosing the decisions I haven't chose before. This playthrough, I made the PR choices which made Serene and Monarch blame all of the "terrorist" acts on Jack Joyce. There's even cool things you can find in-game called "quantum ripples" that add small Easter eggs to the episodes that was sometimes kinda funny. Coming back to the side stuff, there's some that are really funny, specifically the Timestabber screenplay.

In all, the game was loads of fun once again. This time around though, I ended up completing the game 100%. Clocked in at 38 hours, (this includes my first playthrough back in 2017 and my 2022 playthrough) the game isn't super long, but finding all of the secret stuff like chronons might be a challenge.
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