Sad Tale Laced With Irony
3 April 2022
It's ironic that protagonist Ady Barkan's battle to open the floodgates of expensive, high quality health care to everyone largely ignores that he does benefit greatly himself from our healthcare system as it is. The movie avoids the elephant in the room--who is paying for his speech synthesizer, high tech wheelchair and customized motor home? What liberals seem to miss is that this costly care has to be paid for by someone; they just want some other group of taxpayers to foot the bill. The movie also ignores the question of who is paying for these political activists like Barkan to traverse the country harassing politicians and their staffs while most Americans are just trying to make a living themselves which includes paying for much of their own healthcare through increasing premiums, co-pays and deductibles. . The movie is sad in how it documents the decline of a vibrant family man and how all the billions of dollars spent on neuro-muscular disease research has not produced any promising treatments leading to a cure or at least a better result than suffered by Barkan and, more quietly, thousands of others similarly afflicted.
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