The Boys Presents: Diabolical: BFFs (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Thank goodness Smell-O-Vision never took off.
6 April 2022
'BFFs (2022)' is probably the least successful short in its series. It focuses on a girl who drinks compound V and discovers that her newfound talent is, well, a load of poop. The piece primarily runs on gross-out humour (which isn't inherently bad) and visual gags that stem from its exaggerated, faux-anime style. The problem is that neither of these aspects are particularly enjoyable. The whole thing just feels a underwhelming and, dare I say, a bit cheap. I can see what it's trying to do, but it just doesn't do it all that well. Still, it isn't particularly bad. Its pacing ensures that there isn't much time for boredom. Plus, it has a couple of more successful moments sprinkled throughout. 5/10.
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